How to Install OPNSense Firewall ?

OPNSense is an open-source firewall distribution based on FreeBSD that provides a wide range of features, including VPN, intrusion detection, web filtering, and much more. It is designed to be easy to install and use, and it offers a high degree of customization and flexibility.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to install OPNSense firewall on your system.


1. A computer with a CD/DVD drive or a USB port
2. OPNSense image file
3. A blank DVD or USB drive (minimum 2 GB)

Step 1: Download the OPNsense Image

The first step in installing OPNsense Firewall is to download the latest OPNsense image from the official website. Go to the OPNsense download page and select the appropriate image for your hardware. You can choose from the following options:

AMD64 - for most 64-bit systems

ARM - for ARM-based systems

Virtual appliance - for virtual machines

Download the appropriate image and save it to your computer.

Step 2: Create a bootable medium

Once you have downloaded the image file, you need to create a bootable medium such as a DVD or a USB drive. If you are using a USB drive, you can use tools like Rufus or Etcher to create the bootable medium.

To create a bootable USB drive using Rufus, follow these steps:

1. Insert the USB drive into your computer and launch Rufus.
2. Select your USB drive from the Device dropdown list.
3. Click on the Select button next to the Boot selection field and navigate to the OPNSense image file  you downloaded earlier.
4. Make sure that the File system is set to FAT32 and that the Create a bootable disk using option is selected.
5. Click on the Start button to begin the process.

Step 3: Boot from the bootable medium

Insert the bootable medium into your computer and boot from it. You might need to change your computer's boot order in the BIOS to boot from the bootable medium.

To change the boot order in the BIOS, follow these steps:

1. Restart your computer and press the key that takes you to the BIOS setup screen. The key varies depending on your computer's manufacturer, but it is usually F2, F10, or Del.
2. Navigate to the Boot tab using the arrow keys.
3.Use the arrow keys to move the CD/DVD drive or USB drive to the top of the boot order.
4. Save your changes and exit the BIOS.

Step 4: Choose the installation options

Once the OPNSense installer loads, you will be presented with several installation options. Choose the appropriate options based on your requirements.

The options you choose will depend on your hardware and network setup. The following is a general guide to the installation options:

1.Install: Select this option to install OPNSense on your hard drive.
2.Quick/Easy Install: This option is suitable for most users and installs OPNSense with a basic configuration.
3. Custom Install: This option allows you to customize the installation process and configure the firewall to your specific needs.

Step 5: Configure the network settings

After choosing the installation options, you will be asked to configure the network settings. This includes setting the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server.

To configure the network settings, follow these steps:

1. Select the appropriate network interface from the list of available interfaces.
2. Set the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server according to your network configuration.
3. If you have multiple interfaces, you can choose to configure them now or later.

Step 6: Set the Root Password

One of the most important steps in securing any computer system is to set a strong password. The root account in OPNsense is the most powerful account on the system, and it is important to set a strong password for it to prevent unauthorized access. A strong password is one that is difficult to guess or crack, and contains a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

To set a strong root password in OPNsense, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the OPNsense system as the root user.

2. Type the command passwd and press Enter.

3. You will be prompted to enter the current root password. If you have just installed OPNsense and have not set a root password yet, leave this field blank and press Enter.

4. You will be prompted to enter a new root password. Choose a strong password that is at least 8 characters long, contains a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

5. Retype the new root password when prompted to confirm it.

6. Press Enter to save the new root password.

It is important to remember your root password and keep it secure. Do not share it with anyone else or write it down where it could be found by unauthorized persons.

Step 7: Complete the installation

After setting a strong root password, you can proceed to complete the installation process by copying necessary files to the hard drive and configuring the system based on your selections. The installation process should be straightforward and intuitive, and will depend on the options you selected during the installation process.

Once the installation is complete, you should be able to log in to the OPNsense system using the root account and the password you set earlier.

Step 8: Reboot and configure the firewall

The final step in securing your OPNsense system is to configure the firewall. The firewall is the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your network, and it is important to configure it properly to ensure that your network is protected.

To configure the firewall in OPNsense, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the OPNsense web interface using the root account and password.

2. Click on the Firewall tab in the top menu bar.

3. Click on the Interfaces sub-tab and configure the network interfaces according to your network topology.

4. Click on the Firewall Rules sub-tab and configure the firewall rules based on your security requirements.

5. Configure other advanced features such as VPN, NAT, and Intrusion Detection as needed.

It is important to review your firewall rules periodically to ensure that they are still relevant and effective. You should also keep your OPNsense system up to date with the latest security patches and updates to ensure that it is protected against known vulnerabilities.

In summary, installing OPNsense Firewall requires downloading the latest image file, creating a bootable USB drive or CD/DVD, booting your computer from the OPNsense image, configuring network interfaces, setting a strong root password, configuring HTTPS, confirming the installation settings, and finally, logging in to the OPNsense web interface and configuring the firewall settings. By following these steps, you can successfully install OPNsense Firewall


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